May Lunch and Learn
Our next West TN Lunch and Learn will be Monday, May 6 at 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. at Christian Psychological Center. Bring your own lunch as usual!
Title: Come Home: Integrating the Body into the Therapy Process
Molly Fleming, LPC-MHSP, is a Body-Centered Psychotherapist. A long-time Memphian, Molly’s background includes a career in marketing communications, working with Hospice patients and their families, and teaching Yoga before pursuing her Master of Science degree in Counseling. In private practice for over 10 years now, Molly brings compassion and trauma-informed sensitivity to the individuals and couples she supports.
One CEU will be offered, $5 for TNAMFT members and $10 for non-members. Payment is accepted via website or check or cash in person. Please write "May 2024 West TN Lunch and Learn" in the reference box. Your CEU Certificates will be issued and emailed if you pay online.
Click HERE for Payment
As always, please share with any students or colleagues that you think would be interested in attending! We look forward to seeing you there!
TNAMFT is a 501 (c) 6 non-profit organization and Independent Affiliate of AAMFT
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