Middle Tennessee Chapter – the next Lunch and Learn is February 25 at noon (CST) and will be held at the MFT House (3705 Mayfair Ave., Nashville, TN 37215 – overflow parking across Granny White Pike). You are free to join us in-person or on-line and earn 1 CE! The topic is NO SURPRISES and will address:
* The No Surprise Act and how to document and communicate on using the Good Faith Estimate. * Aligning the AAMFT Code of Ethics and Tennessee Code Annotated in documentation. * How HIPAA and preparing for audits can be applied whether you are in-network, out-of-network or won't touch insurance with a 10-foot pole! Join Zoom Meeting ID: 844 7343 3024; Passcode: 601472https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84473433024?pwd=bkVUZWtMdk0vWUlKMCsrQ2dEdDNLUT09
For more information contact LaVonne Johnson, Middle Tennessee director atlavonnejohnson.lmft@gmail.com.
TNAMFT is a 501 (c) 6 non-profit organization and Independent Affiliate of AAMFT
Email: tnamftboard@gmail.com
Click here to join AAMFT & TNAMFT today